Employee Requirements
Manning Enterprizes only hires A-players.
- An A-player = positive + skilled
- A positive employee embodies a great attitude and willingness to learn while also communicating honestly and concisely.
- A skilled employee is highly effective in his/her area of work and is able to be autonomous while also meeting deadlines.
Company Employment Principles
Manning Enterprizes is a company based highly on autonomy. We want all of our employees to have a strong will to direct and coordinate their own lives and in extension their careers. We understand that every employee is unique and the environment in which they are most productive is unique as well.
Our Mantra
Love for the people, love for building, and love for the environment are not only promises we pledge to our customers, they are promises we also commit to our employees. We want our people to be happy, healthy and wise. To enhance our working environment and inspire each other to master our fields of expertise.
“By working together, we can build something greater than ourselves.”
– Jabez Manning and many others
Hiring Process
Eligible candidates are chosen from submitted credentials and/or work samples.
- First we conduct an in-person interview.
- Then we conduct a follow-up phone call.
- This is followed by a short test project (length varies, usually one actual job, 1-4 days).
- Finally, we will bring you on board for a 1-month trial period with an evaluation at conclusion where you will either be hired full time or not.
Open Positions
Carpenters: with frame-to-finish abilities and at least 3 years of experience.
Salesmen: with at least 3 years of building experience. Must be very familiar with and able to generate drawings with Google SketchUp. Must be familiar with Google Docs. Must be tech-savvy with an ability to implant new technology often.
Apply Today
Help us to maintain Manning Enterprizes as a truly excellent company.
Send the following to jabez.manningenterprizes@gmail.com:
- A resume – OR – two professional references
- Work site photos or other portfolio media
- A paragraph about why you want the job